√ 357 magnum vs 38 special 314250-357 magnum vs 38 special for home defense

 · Is it worth loading the gun with the 357 vs the 38 special for HD? · 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum History The 357 Magnum cartridges were made to be used by the police department as they needed a better terminal performing handgun load in the 1930s So, the cartridge was developed by Elmer Keith, Phil Sharpe, along with Smith and Wesson, by performing changes on the 38 that was used back then Unrivalled velocity and terminalFirst 3 of 3 Go to page Go 5150 · Registered Joined Nov 24, 16 · 786 Posts #41 · Apr 2, 19 gwpercle said You can reload 357 magnum with 38 special dies but not 38 special with 357 magnum dies

9mm Vs 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum With Ruger Compact Pistols Youtube

9mm Vs 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum With Ruger Compact Pistols Youtube

357 magnum vs 38 special for home defense

357 magnum vs 38 special for home defense-First you have to go back to the 38 Special Both the 357 Magnum and 38 Special fire the same diameter bullet, 357 inches The 38 nomenclature comes from the approximate diameter of the loaded brass case, roughly 379, rounded up to 38 With/04/18 · Recoil from 38 special snubbie vs 357 magnum snubbie Jump to Latest Follow 1 of 22 Posts 1;

What Is The Difference Between The Following Cartridges 38 Special 38wcf And A 357 38 Gun Values Board

What Is The Difference Between The Following Cartridges 38 Special 38wcf And A 357 38 Gun Values Board

In this "basics" video I illustrate the difference between Magnum and Special cartridges, such as the 44 Magnum vs 44 Special and 357 Magnum vs 38 SpecIf you're talking about a 38 Special, then yes, it will fit and fire in a gun chambered for the 357 Magnum Although the 38 Special predates the Magnum by about 37 years, and the 38 became the de facto "official" police round in America for th · 38 Special 770fps357 Magnum 1,240fps The difference is not quite double but significant enough to show that even allowing for differences between bullet types and loads;

 · Additionally, you can still find 38 Special/357 Magnum ammo in many drug stores and auto parts stores (at least out West) Try finding any sort of variety of 44 Magnum ammo anyplace except a gun store–can't be done!357 Magnum vs 38 Speciel sammenligning 38 Special og 357 Magnum er begge kantede, centerfirepatroner, der ofte bruges i revolvere Bortset fra saglængde er 38 og 357 næsten identiske 38 patroner kan affyres fra revolvere kammeret til 357, men det omvendte er ikke357 Magnum vs 38 Erityinen vertailu 38 Special ja 357 Magnum ovat molemmat reunat, keskipalopatruunat, joita käytetään yleisesti revolvereissa Paitsi tapauksen pituutta, 38 ja 357 ovat käytännössä identtisiä 38 patruunoita voidaan ampua 357 n kammioista varustetuista revolvereista, mutta päinvastoin ei

Production History The 38 Special was introduced in 18 as a military service cartridge as 38 Long Colt had insufficient stopping power against the wooden shields of Moros during the PhilippineAmerican War The 38 Special rounds can be fired from revolvers chambered for 357 Magnum or the 38 Long Colt as only the case length of 38 Special is different · The357 Magnum rounds are still loaded considerably hotter than the38 Special P rounds It's not that38 Special can't handle the pressure, because the awesome maniacs at Buffalo Bore will happily load a38 Special P with a 158 grain bullet at 1250 FPS · Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics38 Special vs357 Magnum Is a357 Magnum fired from a snubnose revolver really no different a standard38 Special?

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Choosing Your First Handgun Eagle Gun Range Inc

Choosing Your First Handgun Eagle Gun Range Inc

If you're a handloader, you can do a little experimenting and come up with some real accurate loads for your particular gun If you decide to purchase · For the better part of the th Century, perhaps only the 38 Special overshadow it's use by law enforcement And in this role, few other sidearms built a better reputation for neutralizing deadly threats Truth be told, with ammo and gunsmithing advancement, the 357 Magnum has only gotten better with time This includes the delicate role of concealed carry gunThe 38 Special is a357caliber cartridge that was originally developed in 18

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Ammunition For Armor Testing Handgun Revolver

Ammunition For Armor Testing Handgun Revolver

Here we test the revolver rounds of 38 special versus 357 magnum I use a Ruger SP101 while testing four types of ammo including 38 special P and 357 mThe357 Magnum hurls lead downrange much faster Energy – similar to the velocity comparison, there is a clear difference in energy that each round generates · 357 Magnum vs 38 Special P single shot weapon Ask Question Asked 5 months ago Active 5 months ago Viewed 132 times 1 Have a single shot short barrel weapon of unknown caliber Was told it was handmade for either 38 Special P or 357 Magnum How safe is it to shoot 357 Magnum if made for 38 SpecialP ?

File 38 Special Comparison Jpg Wikimedia Commons

File 38 Special Comparison Jpg Wikimedia Commons

Best 38 Special Ammo Range Training Home Defense Wideners Shooting Hunting Gun Blog

Best 38 Special Ammo Range Training Home Defense Wideners Shooting Hunting Gun Blog

 · Yet, 357 magnum PSI is between 29,000 to 39,000 I understand there is the difference in powder and case length causing the different pressures But if a pistol chambered in 357 magnum and is capable of handling the pressure Is there a reason to not load 38 special to higher pressures · The 357 Magnum is considerably more powerful than its parent round the 38 Special A 38 Special full metal jacket round will hit with the force of 1 pounds of pressure per square foot at a · If I had a 38 I wouldn't have that versatility For the extra few bucks save up for a little longer and get the357 Also, 38 sp ammo is cheaper than357 which will allow you to put more lead down range which should improve skill level Bottom line is357 has the best one shot stopping power of all handguns

7 Best 357 Magnum Revolvers Proven Stopping Power Pew Pew Tactical

7 Best 357 Magnum Revolvers Proven Stopping Power Pew Pew Tactical

500 S W Magnum Smith Wesson Model 686 357 Magnum 38 Special Png 1800x877px 38 Special

500 S W Magnum Smith Wesson Model 686 357 Magnum 38 Special Png 1800x877px 38 Special

 · 357 Mag vs 38 Special Jump to Latest Follow 41 53 of 53 Posts Prev 1;There are many kinds of ammunition for modern357 Magnum and38 Special revolvers Both of these revolvers have the same bullet diameter of357 inch but the357 Magnum has a slightly longer case38 Special vs357 Magnum Why does that matter?357 Magnum vs 38 Különleges összehasonlítás A 38 Special és a 357 Magnum mindkettővel felépített, középtűz patronok, amelyeket általában revolverekben használnak Az esethossz kivételével a 38 és 357 gyakorlatilag azonosak 38 patronokat a 357 kamrával ellátott revolverekből lehet lőni, de az ellenkezője nem

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357 Magnum Vs 44 Magnum What S Better For You

Are 9mm And 357 The Same Quora

Are 9mm And 357 The Same Quora

 · People who shoot the 38 Special and the 357 Magnum know that you should never try to duplicate or load 357 Magnum charges in a 38 Special cartridge case I think the best advice is to load 38 Special loads in 38 Special cases, and to load 357 Magnum loads in 357 Magnum cases Only Someone picks up a cartridge head stamped '38 S&W Special' (that is loaded to 357 Magnum357 Magnum vs 38 Comparație specială 387 Special și 357 Magnum sunt ambele cartușe cu foc central, utilizate în mod obișnuit în revolvere Cu excepția lungimii cazului, 38 și 357 sunt practic identice 38 cartușe pot fi trase de la revolverele camerelor pentru 357 · 38 Special or 357 Mag Last week, while visiting one of the local gun shops, I struck up a conversation with a salesman He said the trend of the day is for a semiauto primarily in the 40 S&W for concealed carry When I mentioned the 5 shot Charter Arms Bulldog in 44 special he wasn't impressed His preference for a carry gun is a 5 shot stubby in 357 Mag His rational is

Ammo 357 Magnum Vs 38 Special Comparison Uscca Blog

Ammo 357 Magnum Vs 38 Special Comparison Uscca Blog

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

 · The 357 Magnum is simple a 38 Special cartridge that has been lengthened by 1/8 of an inch While it perhaps never exceeded the 38 Special in law enforcement use, the 357 Magnum was still among the most profuse options utilized by the longarm of the law And it's fairly safe to say, had not a wave of semiauto pistols washed over the shooting world in the 1980s, the 357 Magnum · The 38 Special Vs the357 Mag There are two calibers that dominate the concealed carry scene;Náboj měl stejné rozměry jako 38 Special, ale bylo v něm víc střelného prachu Klasický revolver v ráži 38 by setkání s ním nepřežil, ale stejně to byla jen trochu silnější osmatřicítka Strážci zákona nový náboj a novou zbraň celkem přijali Gangsteři určitě taky Konečně 357 Magnum

10 Reasons Why The 357 Magnum Is The Best All Round Handgun Cartridge Skyaboveus

10 Reasons Why The 357 Magnum Is The Best All Round Handgun Cartridge Skyaboveus

What Makes A 357 Round So Much More Powerful Than A 38 Special Quora

What Makes A 357 Round So Much More Powerful Than A 38 Special Quora

 · The 357 Magnum generally eclipses the 38P loads by nearly double in terms of muzzle energy This is where the rubber meets the road, or the lead meets the adversary One might say it is the terminal killing potential Note, too that the P loads in a 38 Special do indeed generate more promising ballistics than the standard 38 Special loads357 Magnum vs 38 Speciel sammenligning 38 Special og 357 Magnum er begge kantede, centerfire patroner, der ofte bruges i revolvere Bortset fra sags længde er 38 og 357 næsten identiske 38 patroner kan affyres fra revolvere med kammer til 357, men det omvendte er ikke · As illustrated in the chart,357 Magnum rounds on average achieve a velocity of about 1290 feet per second (fps) while38 Special rounds travel at a velocity of 0 fps To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a

What Is The Difference Between The Following Cartridges 38 Special 38wcf And A 357 38 Gun Values Board

What Is The Difference Between The Following Cartridges 38 Special 38wcf And A 357 38 Gun Values Board

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

Shooting Illustrated Snubbie Ballistics 38 Special Vs 357 Magnum

The 38 Special and its big brother, the 357 Magnum When shopping for a revolver, which one should you choose? · underwood ammo thanks 357 MAGNUM VS 38 SPECIAL VS SHEET Penetration test This time I shoot the Colt Python using 38 Special and then 357 Magnum at the heavy commercial grade door The results were incredibleshooting 24 gauge sheet metal with 357 magnum thanks for watching and please dont forget to subscribe THANK YOÜÜU (((THIS YEAR PLANT A In this video, I compare the 38 Special · My 38 Special is a Ruger LCRX great gun much more ammo choices with a 357/38 Special by far If you want the LCR platform I strongly suggest a 357 LCR this way you can also shoot 38 Special's both p's & regular pressure loads as well If you want 6 shots vs 5 then go for the 327 LCR Save Share Reply Argee1950 · Registered Joined Jan 21, 16 · 2,903 Posts #8 ·



38 Special Vs 357 Magnum The Lodge At Ammotogo Com

38 Special Vs 357 Magnum The Lodge At Ammotogo Com

357 Magnum vs 38 Espesyal na paghahambing Ang Espesyal na 38 Espesyal at 357 Magnum ay parehong rimmed, mga cartridge ng centerfire na karaniwang ginagamit sa mga revolver Maliban sa haba ng kaso, ang 38 at 357 ay halos magkapareho 38 cartridges ay maaaring fired mula sa revolver chambered para sa 357, ngunit ang converse ay hindi38 Special actually came way before357 Magnum and despite the drastic performance differences between the two,38 Special is still incredibly popular due to its more manageable recoil We firmly believe that every gun owner needs at least one357 Magnum in their safeNext 1 of 2 Go to page Go Last StuartJ · Banned Joined May 27, 17 · 1,974 Posts Discussion Starter · #1 · Apr 19, 18 Last week I finally fired my short barreled 38 special from a company I wont mention after they repaired it it works fine now but is not fun to shoot

Bullets Sizes Calibers And Types Guide Videos Pew Pew Tactical

Bullets Sizes Calibers And Types Guide Videos Pew Pew Tactical

All You Need To Know About The 357 Remington Maximum Skyaboveus

All You Need To Know About The 357 Remington Maximum Skyaboveus

The38 Special,38 Special P and357 Magnum represent three distinct power levels using the same bullets and all three cartridges can be fired from any357 Magnum revolver The cases are dimensionally identical, except that the Magnum case is 0135" longer than the SpecialBoth the 38 Special and the 357 Magnum utilise bullets of the same diameter, measuring 357 inches (907mm) and the same weight projectiles can be fired in either cartridge Generally, the bullets used by both the 38 and 357 range from about 110 grains, on the low end of the spectrum, to an upper limit of more than 180 grains There are always exceptions when it comes to bullet357 Magnum vs 38 Perbandingan khusus The 38 Special dan 357 Magnum keduanya berbingkai tengah kartrid yang biasa digunakan dalam revolver Kecuali untuk panjang case, 38 dan 357 secara virtual identik 38 kartrid dapat ditembakkan dari revolver yang dirangkaikan untuk 357, tetapi sebaliknya tidak

357 Magnum Vs 44 Magnum Lever Actions Lucky Gunner Lounge

357 Magnum Vs 44 Magnum Lever Actions Lucky Gunner Lounge

10 Reasons Why The 357 Magnum Is The Best All Round Handgun Cartridge Skyaboveus

10 Reasons Why The 357 Magnum Is The Best All Round Handgun Cartridge Skyaboveus

Psyprofessor, Mar 27, 09 #1 Cgrunt Member Joined Jun 12, 05 Messages 4,250 Location Phoenix Az While the 357 mag is more powerful than a good 38 spec, it can actually be detrimental to home defense because of the blast and noise A 158 grain HP 38 is somewhere around 850 fps leaving the barrel A 125 grain 357 · If you look at the38 Special and the357 Magnum, the only clear difference is the length The38 Special case length is roughly 115 inches, while357 Magnum is 129 inches Largely credited as the first "magnum" cartridge, the357 Magnum is still seen as a topnotch hunting, lawenforcement, and selfdefense roundMaybe handload progressive 357 Magnum loads for

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What Makes The 38 Special A Great Self Defense Round Steinel Ammunition Co

What Makes The 38 Special A Great Self Defense Round Steinel Ammunition Co

The 357 Smith & Wesson Magnum, 357 S&W Magnum, 357 Magnum, or 9×33mmR as it is known in unofficial metric designation, is a smokeless powder cartridge with a 357inch (907 mm) bullet diameter It was created by Elmer Keith, Phillip B Sharpe, and Douglas B Wesson of firearm manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Winchester It is based upon Smith & Wesson's earlier 38 Special · For our purposes today, all you really need to know is that any revolver that's chambered for357 Magnum can also fire38 Special ammo because357 Magnum is basically a38 Special that goes extra fast Despite the names, both cartridges fire bullets with a357inch · We all know the days of the 38 special and 357 magnum service revolver are long over But when revolvers were carried by cops, they mostly were either of these two calibers Some of the top loads were classics like the 158 grain LSWCHP in 38 special P (the FBI load) and the 125 grain SJHP in 357 magnum This is asking about the use in fullsize service revolvers with a

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 · So a 327 Federal Magnum round exits the barrel with kinetic energy equal to the energy required for linear vertical displacement of 450 pounds through a one foot distance, while a 38 Special round exiting the barrel has energy equal to the amount required to displace 240 pounds over the same one foot distance As a rule of thumb, when it comes to hunting, muzzle

38 Special Vs 357 Magnum The Lodge At Ammotogo Com

38 Special Vs 357 Magnum The Lodge At Ammotogo Com

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